I’ve been the woman who easily got pregnant. I’ve been the woman who tried for another baby for what felt like a very long time only to end in heartache. I’ve been the woman who has survived a miscarriage. And I’ve been the woman who carried three lives at once and only gave birth to one. 6 hearts have beat inside my womb, underneath my heart, and only 3 of those hearts are here earth side with us. I know the pain and the struggle it takes to become a mother. The prayers, the tears, the waiting. It’s my hope and prayer that every woman who wants to become a mother, gets her wish to do so. And its my honor, privilege and dream to photograph your motherhood journey and your family as it grows.
It took me 10 years to become the photographer I truly wanted to be, but it doesn't have to take you that long! Here you'll find information on my one-on-one coaching opportunities, my posing prompt guide as well as customizable templates to help you grow the successful business you always dreamed of!