Serving the Outer Banks, NC & Virginia Beach, VA

welcome to the blog


It’s been a while since I wrote in this series. I wanted to keep it up during our last deployment but I just couldn’t. Being one person and taking on as much as I did last deployment was just plain stupid. We built our home, I moved

The Independent Dependent

Team Work | The Independent Dependent


The title probably threw you off, right?! You see tons of marriages fall apart because of deployments, relationships unravel before the deployed person comes home and since we live in such a heavily

The Independent Dependent

Deployment’s Make Stronger Marriages | The Independent Dependent


It’s been a long time since I’ve done a personal blog. The truth is, its been such a busy last few months that I just haven’t really had the time. We put our house up for sale, it sold, we started the build process

The Independent Dependent

And So it Begins | The Independent Dependent