March 22, 2017
New AND experienced moms, lets chat for a second.
Experienced mama’s…remember when you first brought your baby home from the hospital and you thought you always had to hold them? Seriously, you felt like you could never put them down… remember that? I do! And it was frustrating!! I loved having my sweet babe to snuggle all the time but who was going to cook dinner? Answer emails? Bathe me? LOL…seriously though.
New moms… you’re most likely going to feel this way too at first but with the right products, you don’t have to!!
This is one product I SO WISH I would’ve had when Aubree was a newborn and thats exactly why its a part of my Newborn Roundup Series! The DockATot just seems like the best way to give mama’s peace of mind while putting your child somewhere safe and comfortable so you can do the dishes really fast or even shave your legs — you know you haven’t done that in a while ;-)
The DockATot is a multi-functional lounger, co-sleeper and playtime lounger. It’s super breathable, all natural and made out of 100% cotton! It comes in two different sizes: the Deluxe for 0-8 months of age and the Grand for 9-36 months of age. It comes in different patterns, colors and the covers are machine washable!
I personally went with the Deluxe in Pristine White because I love how clean the white looks. Now I can dress Finny boy in anything I want and the DockATot will be the perfect place to pose him without it clashing with his outfits — LOL — seriously though, thats the photographer in me!
I’m so excited to have this product for diaper changes downstairs where we won’t have a changing table, for lounging with his sister on the couch and family movie nights in bed. The thing I love the most about the DockATot though, is the fact that we can take it anywhere with us and Finn will instantly have a safe, comfortable, and familiar place to sleep. So even when his surroundings aren’t familiar, the DockATot will be! I plan on using this daily, so to have it for him when we go other places is a huge win! He’ll be comfortable and safe and my mama heart will be at ease!
Want your own DockATot? Use my link and get $10 off your purchase! Yay for mama’s everywhere being able to cook dinner AND shower now. You’re welcome ;-)
Until my next Newborn Roundup, health and happiness to you mama’s!
Visit DockATot Here: |Online:| Instagram: @dockatot |
You know I of course had to style some of these with the little clothes I’ve gotten for Finn so far ;-) Haha!!
Design by Brandilynn Michelle | Photography by Jami Thompson Photography
Outer Banks, NC & Virginia Beach, VA Photographer