April 3, 2017
I remember the day I quit my corporate job to follow my dream four years ago. Most people would be hesitant or nervous, but I wasn’t. I didn’t even put in a 2 weeks notice. I just showed up for work, asked my boss if he had a second and handed him my laptop, my company phone and my company credit card and told him I was done. Of course there’s a back story there, so don’t think I’m a bad person for not giving a two weeks notice ;-)
I didn’t feel nervous, scared or afraid of anything. I felt liberated…like a weight was lifted off my shoulders and like I could BREATHE again. I walked out of that office at 9am and saw the American flag flowing in the wind and I thought “today is my very own Independence Day!” And it felt GOOD, ya’ll. I took a picture of that flag and every year when it pops up on my timehop, I feel that same liberation and a sense of pride.
I was pregnant when I did this so it made some people nervous for my husband and I — especially my family. Would she be able to make that dream work? Would she be able to financially support her family while dreaming and doing? Is she making a mistake?
Do you have those same questions about yourself? Are you a dreamer but afraid to be a doer?
Friend, I want to encourage you today to STOP getting in your own way. To lower those walls you’ve built around yourself. To stop letting everyone else’s fears become yours and to prove to yourself that you can make that dream work for you.
Life is too short not to. You can create a life you love, you just have to go for it.
I know so many people that didn’t think I could raise my daughter and my business at the same time. But I shot that whole first year of weddings pregnant and here I am 4 years later, going into another wedding season pregnant with our 2nd child. I’ve successfully raised my business alongside my daughter and will continue to do so alongside my daughter and my son. I’m going to teach these kids that you can dream any crazy dream in this whole world and as long as you have the courage to try and the will to fill your own curiosity, you can do anything in this life you want to do. You just have to believe in yourself.
Do you believe in yourself?
The shot below was taken of me on the streets in Paris, days after I shot a wedding there. Days after I fulfilled yet another dream I had. Another crazy dream to shoot a wedding abroad in the city of love. But I dared to try to fulfill it, I had courage and I put myself out there in all of my vulnerability to make this dream work for me.
Stop watching other people fulfill their dreams and go do it with them. Go be one of those people who makes their dreams come true.
Push fear out of the way. Silence the negative thoughts and opinions. Pray on your dream and ask Him to guide you and then go do that thing you love so much.
I’m rooting for you friends and mama’s. Let’s be the generation that teaches our kids anything is possible and to never allow fear to get in their way. Let’s be the generation that raises businesses AND babies!
You’ve got this, mama!
[shirt: citizen beach apparel]
Design by Brandilynn Michelle | Photography by Jami Thompson Photography
Outer Banks, NC & Virginia Beach, VA Photographer
You have no idea how much I need to read this. It’s so spot on and I thank you for writing it. You don’t know me but I am a firstborn time mom of the sweetest little boy and I’m currently struggling with the decision to quit my job and be a SAHM while trying to get my photography business off the ground. My husband and I are worried about how we will make it work financially, but there is this little something inside me that keeps telling me we will be alright. It’s all going to workout. Time will tell but your words of encouragement have done just that for me. Encouraged me to keep believing in my dream and to show my son that he can be whatever he wants to be in life. Thank you again
This is so wonderful to hear. Thank you so much for letting me know this encouraged you!! I hope you take that dream and do amazing things with it!! :) xo!