December 14, 2015
Something about a new year approaching makes ‘goal planning’ a very high priority on my to-do list! I love making goals, writing them down and being able to scratch them off when I have accomplished it… its that Type A brain of mine!
This will be my 4th year goal planning and I’m doing a little something different this year: I’m writing them down for everyone to see.
Yikes… I’ve never done this before!! It’s a little scary to put some of my dreams and goals out there for everyone to see, but here’s my idea behind doing this: If the right people see some of these goals, the perfect ideal clients, maybe they’ll make sure I can in fact, scratch them off my list! Maybe someone will read this and say “hey…she wants to shoot engagements at The Narrows at Zion National Park in Utah… I’d love to fly her out there to do my engagement pictures!”
The point is, you never know! Maybe I’ve been doing my business a huge disservice by NOT posting my goals for the world to see. I’m making 2016 ‘my year of YES’ and taking every new and interesting opportunity that comes my way, so I’m dreaming big you guys, and I’m letting you in to see it all!
So here goes…
I want to TRAVEL for a session or wedding. Not like, an hour down the road or even 2 hours, but travel some place REALLY amazing. The mountains in Utah, Big Sir in California, Engagements by the Golden Gate Bridge, a destination wedding somewhere tropical, Italy, Greece, Spain, Australia, London, Germany, Paris, Canada, ahh the places I’m dying to not only SEE but to photograph beautiful moments in… I’m dying to do it. Have I mentioned destination weddings and sessions receive a DISCOUNT?! :)
I want to mentor with at least ONE or TWO of the leaders in the industry that inspire me. Not necessarily JUST photographers, but ‘leaders’ in my mind. Mary Marantz, Katelyn James, Lara Casey, the list goes on. I want them to move me even more than they already have.
I want to inspire and move someone. I know what its meant for me to have these strong leaders to look up to and I’d love to be that person for someone else. I stopped mentoring for a large portion of the year when I got so busy with weddings and sessions, but I want to bring them back in 2016!
I want to shoot at least one REALLY creative styled shoot. Something where I can collaborate with some really amazing vendors who all have such a unique creative side, that it puts our styled shoot OVER the top! Where you at vendors?! Email me!! :)
Did I mention I want to TRAVEL for a WEDDING or a SESSION?! You guys… that goal is my #1 for 2016. I want it so badly!!If you know someone who needs a photographer for their wedding or engagements, etc., and they don’t live in VA/NC, give them my info!! If they book, I’ll make sure you receive something as well :)
Extending a huge thank you to everyone who wanted to read and take a peek into my 2016 goals, and a big hug to everyone who will help to make some of these happen! :)
Health and happiness always, xoxo!
Design by Brandilynn Michelle | Photography by Jami Thompson Photography
Outer Banks, NC & Virginia Beach, VA Photographer
[…] 2015…just a little over 4 months ago with a list of my 2016 dreams and goals! You can read it here. In that list, my #1 goal for 2016 seemed SO far fetched… possibly even too far out to the […]