December 23, 2013
What do you do when a client cancels on you at the last minute and it’s a gorgeous, rare, random 80 degree December day? You declare a FAMILY DAY! Well, that’s what I did anyway! For those of you that know our family, you know my husband works long days and we don’t typically have time during the week to do things as a family together. As a result of running a photography business & having a 5 week old daughter, I’m only scheduling sessions on the weekends right now, which doesn’t leave much family time to be had. **This also reminds me, there is totally going to be a blog post in the next couple of weeks on cancelling sessions at the last minute, mixed with a few other things that I’m changing up in 2014! It’s all coming from a very nice place but a very serious one now that my time is being stretched so very very thin**
So since this client cancelled and it was such a beautiful day, we decided at first to take Aubree to the beach for the first time, but once we got there and I realized how windy it was, I made my husband turn around, LOL! She’s still so new to this world and I didn’t want sand flying in her sweet little face or for her to get sick, so instead we drove out to Munden Point Park (our little hidden gem we like to go to every once in a blue moon). The last time we had been there was when I was pregnant with Aubree and we took pregnancy photo’s…so it was neat going again now that she’s here with us :) We played in the park, played on the swing set, took a million photo’s, laughed a lot, and just had an all around fantastic family day! These little moments are so very precious to me and my heart has never felt more at peace now that I have my own little family. It truly is the greatest blessing I’ve ever been given! Spending time with the people you love should be something you cherish, especially when it isn’t something you get to do a whole lot! Quality time with one another, laughing together, making memories…this is what life is all about folks! I can’t wait to show Aubree one day all of the photo’s we’ve taken so far and will continue to take as a family… after all, they’re our memories in the making. I want her to know how much we love her, how much she means to us, that she changed our lives forever, that we’ll never be the same again, and that everything we do is for her now.
I hope you all enjoy the photo’s below. I also hope you all get a chance to spend some quality time with the people that matter the most to you over the next few days. That’s what this time of year, and really EVERY time of the year should be about. Enjoy your holiday, but most of all, enjoy each other! :) XOXO
Design by Brandilynn Michelle | Photography by Jami Thompson Photography
Outer Banks, NC & Virginia Beach, VA Photographer
Jami and Kyle – you are already great parents!!!! Always spend as much time with her as you can. One day those little feet wont be pitter pattering on the hardwood floors. . . . it will be your feet that you hear and thinking back – where did time go? Did I spend quality time with her? Could I have done anything different? Will she tell her children that we were great parents? Will she teach her children things that we taught her? We know she will. We see the love you both have for her and we are so very proud of you both. Take care of our grand baby!!!!!!! Love, Mum Mum and Pappy!!!
Jami! Great family session!! You have a gorgeous new little girl!! Your husband even nailed those shots of you and your sweet girl!! Would love to connect with you! We have lots in common by reading your about me post! I found you through J+A’s blog!
Thank you! I’d love that!!