Jenn and Jesse go way back in the Jami Thompson Photography history book ;-) They were one of my first couples EVER back in 2013 and have been such loyal clients and friends!! I’ve shot their engagements, their wedding, Christmas photo’s two different years and now their maternity photo’s!! That’s what this job is all about you guys, being a part of my clients turned friends lives and documenting the most important parts for them! I am blessed beyond measure! These two decided to head down to Virginia Beach for the ocean and sand as a backdrop for these maternity photo’s for their first born: a sweet baby girl, Jocelyn Elizabeth! Jenn isn’t a huge fan of sand (that’s an understatement LOL), but we rocked these out, laughed a lot, shared memories from the years I’ve known and captured them, and had the best time loving on her belly! I’m so excited to always be a part of their journey and LOVE sharing these photo’s with everyone. Health and happiness always, and prayers for a safe and healthy delivery, XOXO!